Beulah Heights Social Integration Program (BHSIP) is a non-traditional faith-based program that operates under the auspice of the Beulah Heights Church. BHSIP provides a diverse and creative approach to providing support services, wrap-around services, resources, and spiritual guidance to the homeless, ex-offenders, those in recovery, and clients returning from incarceration through a holistic and evidence-based approach. Our goal is to meet basic human needs, provide crisis intervention, drug & alcohol counseling, and emotional support.
The Beulah Heights Social Integration Program seeks to do this by providing trauma-informed clinical services, case management, access to online educational resources, financial resources for legal documents (State ID, Birth Certificate, and Social Security Card), life coaches, and personal growth retreats. We also connect with other service providers, including vocational, educational, spiritual, employment, entrepreneurial, wellness, and family services.