Beulah Heights Social Integration Program was organized under Bishop Theodore L. Brooks in November of 2007 with a few members from the membership. The community had been a place of drug activity, gang violence, and crime before revitalizing the neighborhood around the church with affordable housing. Next was the development of a program for those in the community that experienced homelessness and those returning from incarceration to assist with basic needs, the skills, and resources needed to be a successful community member.
The program started with the Morning Manna, a combination of worship and breakfast, and quickly grew from 10 to 75-100 people each Sunday. The program expanded to Saturday and became and a warming center and resource center for those needing supportive services from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., serving breakfast and lunch with van transportation.
Beulah Heights Church, under the leadership of the late Bishop George H. Brooks, has been “a church that cares about you, you and especially you.” Under the leadership of both Bishop Theodore L. Brooks, Sr. and Elder Darrell Brooks, our Executive Director, “BHSIP is the place where HOPE is found and GROWN.”
The Executive Staff
Phone contact (203) 745-3589
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
To contact the office