Helping Hands Food Pantry
The purpose of the Helping Hands Food Pantry is to reduce food insecurity that exists in the food deserts and low-income families in the City of New Haven. The Food Pantry is open every 2nd Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and the 4th Tuesday from 11:00-1:00 p.m. In times of crisis, food can be obtained from the Food Pantry by calling the office between 9:30 and 2:00 p.m.

The Substance Abuse Program
The Substance Abuse Program is a collaboration between the Beulah Heights Social Integration Program, Beulah Heights Church, and Yale. The aim of the program is to decrease the barriers faced by black individuals who are struggling with alcohol problems and other substance abuse problems and drug problems. There is compensation of up to $350.00 for each
participant. Learn More…

Utilities Assistance Program
The purpose of the program is to assist individuals and families with basic needs. The program helps with electric, gas, and water bill that are delinquent. The program is open to individuals and families living in the Greater New Haven community and is funded this year by New Alliance Foundation and United Way through EFSP . Call the office at (203) 745-3589 to make an appointment. Learn More…
The Mentoring Program
The Mentoring Program is a pilot collaboration between the Beulah Heights Church Social Integration Program, The Beulah Heights Church Men’s Ministry our adopted school, Wexler-Grant with supportive services from NXTHVN, and The Sports Academy. The purpose of the program is to reduce absenteeism, poor social, educational, and mental health issues in middle school students that prevent a positive and rewarding learning experience. Tutoring, sports events, dinners, cultural event, spiritual guidance, case management and support for parents. Learn More…

Mental Health Service
As a part of the Helping Hands Food Pantry the Community Health Network will offer workshop in food preparation, healthy eating, mental health services and workshop to senior citizens and adults that visit the Food Pantry on a quarterly basis. Call the church office or check out our Facebook page or Twitter page for up-coming information.